Make your training covid19-proof with LMS


While coronavirus hassinglehandedly disrupted every sphere of our lives – personal and professional,one of the areas to take the hardest blows of this pandemic has been thetraining or Learning and Development (L&D) function. In just a matter ofdays, COVID-19 led to cancellations of planned classroom training sessions,calling for a learning strategy revamp in organizations worldwide. It alsosegregated businesses into two categories – one that followed traditional,in-person training modalities, and other that was on the spectrum of digitallearning. For both, it nudged a relook at the training approach and use ofonline learning platforms amongst other things.

Here we look at 5 ways tofuture-proof, or rather Covid-proof, your online learning with a LearningManagement System (LMS):


With Classroom Training programsbeing cancelled across industries and countries, for businesses withtraditional L&D, migrating to Virtual Instructor Led Training has been thebest bet. In many ways, Virtual Classroom mirrors in-person classroom training- with a differentiating factor of the environment. In the former, the learnerscan see and hear the instructor via video/audio stream in a virtual setup,while in the latter, the physical space is shared by both parties.

HowUpsideLMS can help:

UpsideLMS’ Virtual Classroom Training module with ready connectors for Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeetingenables your learners and instructors to connect and interact with each other in real-time. It not only enables you to reach out to a wider learner-base at a lower cost, but by enabling learners and instructors to collaborate, it makes the learning process interesting and enriching for the learners.

2.eLearning/Blended Learning

While eLearning is a broad-basedterm comprising a host of things including but not limited to courses, videos,documents, assignments and assessments, the simplest definition is learningutilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of atraditional classroom setup.

HowUpsideLMS can help:

UpsideLMS’ Blended Learning module with support for different training modalities (eLearning, Virtual Classroom), full multimedia support (Videos, PDFs, PPTs, Documents, HTML courses) and standards-compliance (SCORM, AICC) helps you accommodate your learners' learning styles and get more bang for your buck. You can use eLearning, Virtual Classroom modules separately too, if you don’t want to build them together in a single program.

3.Mobile Apps

While Mobile Learning or Learning enabled by mobile devices has been around for a number of years, its adoption into workplace learning has been sluggish owing to security, privacy and internet connectivity issues. However, with telecom networks getting stronger and the advent of 3G and 4G networks, businesses are incorporating mobile devices into their learning mix for boosting Employee Productivity and providing Performance Support.

HowUpsideLMS can help:

Anywhere-anytime, on-the-golearning is now a breeze with UpsideLMS’ mobile appsfor iOS and Android, and fully responsive HTML5 interface. Learner can accessall eLearning and Virtual Classroom Training programs on their mobile device –when they need it, where they need it.


The Artificial Intelligence (AI) wave that began not too long back has taken the world by storm, penetrating every industry, every business and every function on this planet. Today, AI-enabled solutions are driving the effectiveness of training delivery and have grown into an important component of organizational employee capability development training programs. Artificial Intelligence and its Rising Value in Improving Employee L&D can no longer be ignored.

HowUpsideLMS can help:

UpsideLMS’ AI-poweredrecommendation engine along with its user-centric UI suggests relevant contentto the learners automatically as it constantly gathers intelligence from userbehaviors, skill-sets and information pieces across the board. UpsideLMS’ AIdeeply analyzes content and learner behaviors, understanding and categorizingit to exponentially improve learning content discoverability through its smartsearch.


As Gamification continues to buildstrong in-roads into corporate training, it has become increasingly importantfor Learning & Development (L&D) leaders to explore how the mechanicsof gaming boost employee engagement and influence their learning outcomesespecially in these disruptive times of remote working and remote learning.Here are 5Ways to Leverage Gamification for a Positive Learning Experience.

HowUpsideLMS can help:

UpsideLMS' point-based Gamification module engages and motivates learners to learn by instilling a feeling of healthy competition and achievement, while enabling them to achieve their developmental goals. The lead.erboard collates points of all users while giving every learner the ability to choose other learners and teams that s/he would like to compete against.

Don’t let COVID-19 come between you and your employee capability development. Leverage UpsideLMS, which will enable you to not just upskill your workforce but ensure you are ahead of the game. Today and always! Request a Demo now!

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