5 Benefits of MLearning for Boosting Employee Productivity


With increasing mobile penetration across the world and availability of high internet connectivity, coupled with advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and smart devices, global organizations are beginning to realize the business opportunity in leveraging mobile devices to maximize the impact of corporate learning and development (L&D). Forward-thinking organizations are now aware that they can boost employee performance and productivity by employing the modern learners’ mobile lifestyle.The global workforce is expected to be made up of 75% of millennials and generation Z by 2025. Both these generations have contributed significantly towards the emergence of today’s gig economy, and changed the way we work and learn forever. And, to justly engage these millennials and Gen Z, organizations need a learning ecosystem that complements the modern learners’ connected lifestyle.MLearning has the ability to let organizations make significant cost reductions and save a ton of time on their corporate training as it benefits both, the organization as well as the learners by avoiding unnecessary logistical costs, enabling access to learning at the touch of a single button; employees enjoy the freedom and luxury to learn anytime, anywhere and on any device.However, MLearning isn't even really so much about technology and/or the device. It is an effective and efficient mode of delivery to provide employees with the right training whenever and wherever needed by leveraging the various affordances of the mobile devices. Here are some of the key benefits of mLearning for maximizing employee performance and productivity -

  • Flexibility

While eLearning or online learning introduced flexibility in the learning process by eliminating the practical and logistical barriers, including a venue, specified timeslots, instructors and other learning collateral, MLearning is taking this learning flexibility to another level by making learning content (learning material, multimedia, videos and podcasts) available on the personal (and in some cases BYOD) smartphones. This has enabled the learners to access and consume ‘Whatever’ learning content, ‘Whenever’ and ‘Wherever’ needed, thus creating a major shift in the way learners engage with their eLearning and training programs for the better.

  • Personalization

A ‘smarter learning experience’, as it is called, is the ability to develop innovative MLearning solutions that are personalized to the learner’s choice of content, format, and learning style. Through this, organizations are able to configure the individual learner’s learning experience, define frequency and volume, and the type of learning activity. Furthermore, with the help of powerful AI algorithms, organizations can now build learning programs that increase engagement and also provide valuable data on the learners to consistently review and improve the learning experience.

  • Microlearning

Microlearning has quickly gained strong foothold as a powerful performance support tool as it enables organizations to address productivity gaps efficiently and quickly at the time of need. As today’s younger digital native generations have much shorter attention spans, with an inclination towards a mobile-based learning, microlearning inadvertently helps boost performance as learners access and better retain knowledge through bite-sized nuggets of information that are easy to digest and recall whenever needed.

  • Collaboration

Be it formal or informal learning, on or off a digital platform, collaboration and knowledge sharing are key factors that impact employee performance, and MLearning makes collaboration all the more easier. Organizations are now encouraging their employees to collaborate and share their knowledge and experiences by providing effective social sharing/ collaboration tools embedded in the MLearning platforms, while further enhancing cross learning opportunities by learning from peers and seniors.

  • Better User Experience (UX)

Last but not the least Mobile Apps have now become an industry main stay due to their ability to provide an unparalleled learning experience. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that more and more organizations are investing heavily into MLearning and mobile app development. Mobile Apps offer a fantastic user interface (UI), enabling easier navigation of content, with pop up notifications, thus enhancing the overall user experience (UX) for the learners. A great UX directly translates into learner engagement, which in turn boosts productivity and performance.Besides, Mobile Apps are significantly popular among Millennials, who have an app for anything and everything. Then, why should learning be any different? Some Mobile Learning Apps also enable offline viewing of the training material. This comes in handy in situations or geographies where there is no Internet and learners need to find relevant information.Developing eLearning courses and adapting training methodologies to better engage with today’s employees’ mobile lifestyles will help organizations maximize learner engagement, knowledge retention, productivity and overall performance. However, the key here is for organizations to understand the learning needs of their employees and offer innovative learning technologies like MLearning to stay relevant and competitive in this ever-evolving digital world.To learn how you can m-Enable your workforce, request a demo of UpsideLMS Mobile and UpsideMOVE today.