UpsideLMS 7.3 packs in More Value; brings Enhanced User Experience

UpsideLMS 7.3 packs in More Value; brings Enhanced User Experience

UpsideLMS' latest version released today, UpsideLMS 7.3, is another step in our continued commitment to make and keep UpsideLMS as the Best Value SaaS LMS available for companies for internal, extended, or commercial training purpose.

7.3 strengthens UpsideLMS' promise to create a simpler and enhanced experience for users and administrators alike. Features like Batch Management, complete access and a full view of the team's learning catalog to the managers, along with learner-centric value-adds like enhanced interface designs for catalog and learning plan, and simplified workflows together bring in an enhanced value for the user.

Below is a quick preview of the key features in UpsideLMS 7.3:Batch Management - Managing Classroom Training for complex environments is now much simpler with UpsideLMS' Batch Management tool. An advanced tool for organizations using Classroom Training extensively with a need to create and manage multiple batches for a single Classroom Training session, the tool provides learners with the flexibility to 'Enroll' for a batch or 'Change'/ 'Cancel' an already assigned batch.

Batch Management

Team Catalog - UpsideLMS 7.3 gives a complete view of all the catalogs availed by the direct and indirect team members to Line Managers and Indirect Line Managers respectively. Further, the Managers can nominate their team members for both Public and Private Curriculums.

Team catalog

Curriculum Images, Videos and Documents - Getting a quick overview of the curriculum and then requesting, self-assigning or purchasing a particular curriculum from the catalog is easier for the learners with UpsideLMS 7.3 as it enables admins to upload related images, videos and documents for the curriculums. This could be used for attaching media for pre-, post-, and even during- training activities.

Curriculum Images, Videos, Documents

Simplified Workflows for quick creation of an ILT (Instructor Led Training/ Classroom Training) session feature in the 7.3 version, with an ability for a single Classroom session to be included in multiple Training Curriculums (paid/ private/ public).

Simplified Workflows

API - Adding to the pack of available APIs, UpsideLMS 7.3 includes a new API for assigning multiple curriculums to multiple users via webservice calls making super easy for UpsideLMS to work with other systems with automated workflows.

Request a LIVE, personalized demo of UpsideLMS 7.3 - click here