h(APP)y mLearning to you!


As per Statista's 'Smartphone users worldwide 2014-2020' report, the number of smartphone users is forecast to grow from 2.1 billion in 2016 to around 2.5 billion in 2019, with smartphone penetration rates increasing as well. And this is not confined to our personal lives alone. Three quarters of the Western European workforce will be mobile by 2018, and will require the ability to access and process information quickly and securely in order to maintain and increase productivity, new research from IDC has found.On-the-go or not, employees are hooked to their mobile devices for everything - from News and Communication to Learning and Performance Support. Quite simply then, incorporating Mobile as a part of your L&D strategy is no longer an option, but a critical component of your training today. And who better to know this than you?!But often times, the bigger challenge is not the awareness, but knowing where and what to invest your L&D budget in. A tough call this, what with the plethora of platforms to choose from.But, I am here to make this decision easy for you. Look for a Learning Management System (LMS) that not only enables easy and efficient management of your Online, Offline, and Social/ Informal Learning, but also brings about Mobile Learning. Something like UpsideLMS.A multi-award-winning, full-featured, Cloud-based LMS, UpsideLMS extends its superlative User Experience (UX) on mobile devices through an app (besides offering a multi-device responsive learner side).To you, it means easy deliverability of training to your employees. And to your learners, it means complete flexibility in accessing learning/ training whenever needed and wherever needed.Here's a glimpse into the UpsideLMS Mobile App:

And that's just the beginning!Here's what UpsideLMS Mobile App enables you to do:

    • Continuous and Seamless On-The-Go Learning

With UpsideLMS, your learners can go back and forth between desktops/ laptops/ smartphones/ tablets, each time seamlessly picking up from where they last left.

Continuous and Seamless On The Go Learning
    • Complete Tracking and Reporting

UpsideLMS tracks all training activities for each of your learners, which can be drawn in the form of reports for analysis and business intelligence.

Complete Tracking and Reporting
    • Custom Brand your Mobile LMS

UpsideLMS Mobile App can be custom branded to reflect not just your company logo but your branding too.

Custom Brand your Mobile LMS
    • More than "Formal" Training

Apart from access to eLearning, Assessments, Surveys, Reference Documents, and other "formal" training modes, your learners can collaborate, share and learn from peers, subordinates and seniors alike through its Social Learning & Knowledge Collaboration modules.

More than Formal Training

So what are you waiting for. Get a taste of UpsideLMS Mobile by requesting a personalized demo now!