Top 13 Blogs on LMS and Corporate eLearning: a 2020 update


We understand that our readers arepassionate about Learning. They are always in search of worthy articles whichcan bring valuable insight into their corporate learning making it more dynamicand effective today than yesterday. Being a leading learning technology and off-the-shelfeLearning content provider, the onus is upon us to keep up with the latesttrends in the LMS and eLearning arena, and also share the best of knowledgewith our readers to help them make informed decisions.

So here’s a list of the Top 13 curated LMS and eLearning blogs that host some of the most impactful posts:

  1. LMS Blog elearningfeeds
  2. eLearningBlog Don’t Waste Your Time
  3. Twistof The eLearning Guild
  4. BrandonHall Group Advanced Learning
  5. JoshBersin
  6. AggregateeLearning Learning
  7. LearningTRENDS
  8. ATD-Association forTalent Development
  9. E-LearningProvocateur
  10. TrainingTechnology by Capterra
  11. E-Learning24/7 Blog
  12. TrainingJournal
  13. TowardsMaturity

The list is by no means exhaustiveand there could certainly be many more brilliant resources available online,and we would love to hear your recommendations in the comments below!