LMS for Manufacturing Industry: 6 Benefits


The complexity of modern manufacturing industry can be so overwhelming sometimes, both for new and old employees,that it might hold them from unfolding their true capacities. With significant variations in international, state, and industry-wide regulatory requirements and the ever expansion of regulatory procedures like current good manufacturing practice (cGMP), manufacturing of quality products while adopting a leading innovative approach may further bring on considerable learning and training challenges. An effective solution would be provision of on-time, on-site, and on-demand training support for executives and shop-floor personnel to reduce the skill gap and update relevant knowledge.

Utilizing personalized, context-based content and services through full featured, mobile learning platforms like a Learning Management System (LMS)provide intuitive and immediate support to the technical and non-technical teams, thus refining their work efficiency.

Here are the top 6 benefits of an LMS for the manufacturing industry:

1.Facilitates Standardized Training

Standardized training is mandatory for manufacturing companies to maintain consistent and reliable output besides adhering to all kinds of regulations ensuring quality, environmental responsibility, and employee safety.An LMS with the feature of centrally managed training brings everybody on the same page. It does so by delivering the same content to the geographically dispersed facilities while being controlled from a single point. This encapsulated, top-down approach is also useful in terms of re-using the carefully curated content and capturing training statistics to further measure the ROI.

2.Simplifies Compliance Management

In the manufacturing sphere, compliance must be an embedded part of the day-to-day operations.In absence of an environment that totally ensures manufacturing compliance or inadequate documentation of its proof, the management can be held accountable for compliance breaches. With this in mind, we undeniably need an agile compliance management feature of the LMS that can address all the essential industry compliance training requirements including quality, production, cGMP, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or other regulatory guidelines.

3.Provides Scalability Advantage

Scalability of thelearning platform is a sensitive issue in the manufacturing industry as hugecost and other valuable resources are involved in developing training programs.These programs are normally tested with a small user base and upon the desired result,scaled to a larger one. An LMS has flexibility to handle the challenges thatcome with scale, like large data storage, concurrent traffic, and organizationof separate units.With a vision of growth from a global perspective, such aplatform capable of scaling up or down while maintaining sound quality,usability, permissions and granularity is indispensable.

4.Enables Learning Anytime, Anywhere on Anydevice

Modern manufacturing companies usually maintain several units or facilities across multiple locations. In order to best support all the job functions, their employees need training in different skills,preferably on the job and in the flow of work ( read ‘at the site’). The unique features of a cloud based, responsive or mobile app based LMS enable access to learning at the location it is needed, at the time users want it, using the device they prefer.To the learners, it not just ensures seamless learning but also aids engagement.

5.Offers Business Intelligence

A significant featureof an LMS is trackingand reporting all training and learner related details and presenting themin the form of easy-to-understand performancereports. From a manufacturing company POV, this information is critical inassessing compliance and knowledge gains along with identification ofimprovement areas for training refinement.

6.Brings about Learning Flexibility

Further to its device and location-agnostic benefit, an LMS brings about learning flexibility by freeing up the dependency on Classroom Training (ILT) and giving manufacturing employees the flexibility to study at their own pace. This is aided by the intuitive interfaces that most modern LMSes offer. The result is simplified and self-directed learning without much need for external help. To the admins, it enables easy building, hosting and updating of training content with the addition of great features like automatic notifications and AI recommendations to ensure continuous learning.


Manufacturingindustry per se is a complex world in itself with numerous subsystems working inunison. Moreover, with double digit returns gradually becoming a distant dream,the challenges to maintain profitability are increasing considerably. In thisscenario, capacity and skill building can definitely have a direct bearing inreducing the cost and   growingproductivity. An LMS with the cutting-edge technological advancements is one ofthe top options to achieve that.