Leveraging LMS APIs to Sell Training Online (Case Study)

Leveraging LMS APIs to Sell Training Online (Case Study)

The online training space is highly competitive; large number of training providers, newer and better solutions entering the field, and emerging tools, technologies and learning models. This along with changing user behavior and preferences, the growth of eCommerce, penetration of the Internet, amongst other things, are challenging the status quo of Training Providers worldwide making it more important than ever for them differentiate themselves from their competitors. And what better way than to differentiate 'through one's website'? After all, it’s often the first experience a potential customer has with the Training Company.

This is precisely what we did for our client Red Scout.


As Asia-Pacific region's leading provider of interactive online training for individuals who want to start or advance their career in the beauty industry, Red Scout was on the lookout for an eLearning platform that was not only easy-to-use, cost effective, highly functional, secure and reliable, but could also be integrated with its existing website to enable online selling of training materials. With a worldwide customer base that included individuals and corporate, it was important that the platform scaled with Red Scout's growing business, while allowing it to focus on the core business of providing training too.

UpsideLMS: The perfect fit for Red Scout

For smooth selling of the training materials on Red Scout's website, it was important that there was a data exchange between the LMS and the website. UpsideLMS, our Best Value SaaS LMS, with its comprehensive API library helped Red Scout to:

  • Display UpsideLMS Catalog Information on its Website: An API for 'Fetching Catalog - its curriculum and contents' was used to pull the Training Catalog information from UpsideLMS and display it on the Red Scout website. This allowed individuals to go through the details and purchase the training program of their choice through a payment gateway facility available on Red Scout website.
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  • Create Users Automatically in UpsideLMS: As an individual registered for any training program on Red Scout's website and made a successful payment, the user profile information was sent to UpsideLMS through an API called 'Creating, Updating and Managing your user accounts' leading to automatic creation of the user profile in UpsideLMS.
  • Assign Curriculums Automatically: Once a user profile was created successfully in UpsideLMS, another API, 'Assigning one or multiple curriculums to one or multiple LMS user', automatically assigned the respective course to the user that had purchased it.
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Hosted in the Cloud and leveraging the strengths of leading Cloud providers like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, UpsideLMS also provided the needed security, scalability and reliability to Red Scout.

Detailed case study is available for viewing here.