Building a Sustainable Talent Pipeline with L&D


Identifying skills gap, nurturing talent and filling vacant positions through Learning & Development (L&D) and HR interventions is a critical priority for the success and growth of any organization. However, in a world where agility is critical and readiness is an absolute must, the value of having a sustainable talent pipeline that consistently identifies and prepares talent to address the present as well as the future business needs of the organization cannot be overstated.

Leveraging L&D to the fullest to cater to new paradigms of business (e.g. remote working) will go a long way in ensuring continuous professional development for employees, new managers and future ready leaders. After all, L&D is not only about training the workforce for tasks at hand anymore, it’s now about building a culture that takes the strategy one step forward.

Speaking of step, here are the key steps to building a sustainable talent pipeline:

Step 1: Align talent management with business strategy

“Channelizing the energy of your talent towards the business strategy is a stepping stone to success.”

  • Set business targets

Aligned to the company’s strategy and objective, define measurable business targets.

  • Break down the goals

Create KPIs for the targets as per job function, breaking them down further within each function as per team and individual.

  • Get senior management buy-in

Back your efforts with the support of top management. Not only does it facilitate employee buy-in, it also helps in maximizing the success.

Step 2: Address talent gaps through internal development

“Talent today may not be talent tomorrow. Constant, non-stop development is the key to growth.”

  • Take a deep dive into people analytics

Get visibility into the internal talent pool for effective career pathing, performance, succession planning, and skill-building.

  • Focus on talent mobility

Invest in employee upskilling, re-skilling and capability development programs through learning platforms and content libraries.

Step 3:Optimize performance calibration

“Every few months, skills needed for the same job may change. Calibrate and re-calibrate.”

  • Drive performance culture

At the crux of business success is the performance of individuals and teams, and governing this is the overarching culture of performance. So lay the foundation first.

  • Use technology to shorten the calibration cycle

Leverage technology to get business intelligence and calibrate your performance metrics swiftly and accurately.

  • Empower workforce to take control of their own growth

Personalized learning and training put the learners in the driver seat while aligning their efforts to the performance outcome.

Step 4: Be agile

“Business context is changing at an unprecedented rate. Gives no time to stop, think and prepare.”

  • Keep your ears to the ground

The key to performance management is staying in sync with the technological, industry and business disruptions.

  • Make training interventions proactive, not reactive

Having the foresight to technology evolution helps in future-proofing your training interventions, which in turn helps in planning for the right training at the right time.

  • Stay fluid

Instead of setting a talent development strategy in stone, keep it flexible to accommodate changes, suggestions and iterations.

Join me for a webinar titled ‘L&D Readiness: How to Build a Sustainable Talent Pipeline’ on June 30th at 3 PM IST. In this one-hour interactive session, Anita Chhabria, Deputy General Manager, International HR-Gulf Oil, and I will explore the what, the why and the how of L&D readiness, and how successful organizations focus on succession planning with HR interventions through L&D programs at mid, junior and senior levels. Register Now (All attendees will receive a complimentary handbook on L&D Readiness post the webinar)


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