Artificial Intelligence and its Rising Value in Improving Employee L&D


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has penetrated almost everyindustry on this planet and the learning technology industry is followingsuite. AI-enabled solutions, including AI in LMSes and LXPs are constantly drivingthe effectiveness of training delivery. Here we explore the rising value ofArtificial Intelligence in improving employee Learning & Development(L&D).

Everyone has, at least once, experiencedan AI-enabled solution with or without being aware, be it on social media or inthe vastness of the World Wide Web, including online shopping, speaking tocustomer support bots, or just browsing random websites.

There are numerous applications of AI and AI-powered solutions out there. One of the most commonly known and accepted application is the Chatbot. There have been numerous predictions suggesting that 85% consumer interactions will occur without a human and 80% of organizations will use chatbots by 2020.

From sales and marketing to news and weather, AI-powered solutions likethe Chatbot are impacting every domain due to their diverse applications, notonly because AI is incredibly reliable but also because it lacks human shortcomingsof unconscious errors, forgetfulness or ever needing a break. And, with the availability oflimitless amount of data in organizations waiting for analysis to drawactionable insights, there is no doubt that AI will have a massive impact on everyfunction in every industry, and that includes Learning & Development.

Rising Value of AI in Employee L&D

Before gawking at the innumerable applications of AI, let us first gaina relative understanding of what is AI. Speaking at the PeopleMatters TechHR 2019 panel discussion, our Director, Amit Gautam, had theopportunity to discuss AI andemployee engagement‘Anythingthat is measured is data and anything that is data can be processed andanalyzed. AI algorithms can be written to make sense of the large amount oflearners’ data, which can then be used to combine and analyze data from varioussystems. Using machine learning, data science and better understanding oflearners’ needs and behaviors, real-time and intelligent insights can then bedrawn.’

Adoption of AI in corporate employeetraining used to be a ‘good-to-have’ in the recent past. But, with latestinnovations and availability of limitless data, AI has exploded unto thelearning scene and is fast becoming a ‘must-have’ feature in corporate L&D.

With millennials expected to make up 75% of the global workforce by 2020 and 87% millennials preferring workplaces that offer learning and development opportunities, the benefits of adopting AI in corporate employee training are limitless. As global employee engagement rates continue to slacken, advanced AI-enabled learning solutions like the LMS and/or LXP can prove to be quite effective. Can you imagine the boost in engagement and productivity when employees are provided with personalized learning, learning that is tailor-made for ‘them’? Well, no need to imagine, as the adoption of AI makes this possibility a reality.

AI-enabled solutions truly come in the form of a blessing for L&Dprofessionals, owing to the lack of time and resources to deliver personalized training.AI offers tremendous assistance in information segregation (of training contentand programs) and thus makes training more personalized and engaging for thelearners.

There are many benefits of using AI in employee training. However, thekey advantage is its adoption in an LMS or a LXP, to make learning as seamlessas possible, and at the same time, providing insightful information about the learners’behaviors, learning needs and patterns, completion rates and more. The reporting and analysis of this data can further improve thetraining programs and fed back to the AI to deliver better and real-time updatesto the learners. In addition, as many global enterprises have a widely dispersedand diverse workforce, AI can enable organizations to scale up their L&Dinitiatives to reach their learners easily and effectively.

The numerous use-cases of AI in employee training include-

  • AI as anInstructor

An AI interface can be an effectiveinstructor that delivers real-time knowledge to the diverse and dispersedlearners, in multiple languages. Such a tutor or instructor can be used toreinforce training or offer motivation and encourage learners when lowerengagement is detected.

  • AI for Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding is one area where AI canbe highly effective. AI can simplify the entire process by enabling new employeesto ask any and all questions and talk freely with. Besides, an organizationthat boasts an AI tool at its very doorstep is bound to impress the millennialworkforce.

  • AI for Diversity & Inclusion

In a time whenglobal enterprises are paying more attention towards diversity and inclusion inthe workplace, AI can help resolve the challenges faced due to human bias. Itcan eliminate biases based on gender, religion etc. and becomeequal-opportunity enablers, thus helpingdevelop a bias-free and diverse workplace environment.

  • AI for Training In-the-Flow of Work

AI can be a great enabler of learningin-the-flow of work by providing constant access to training programs through anAI recommendation engine, thus moving training into the flow of work,and encouraging continuous learning. This can prove to be highly effective for employeeswho are not desk-bound, but on factory floors or on-site, where the learning isbetter retained due to its immediate real-world application.

AI is paving the way for better employee training, engagement andproductivity and its adoption into the workplace is set to help boost process efficiency,at the same time enabling L&D and HR professionals to enrich the learningand onboarding experiences of their employees.

What about you? Are you ready to leverage an AI-powered solution foryour corporate L&D?