8 Key Reasons why LMS Learning is the Best


“Aninvestment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Aptly quoted by Benjamin Franklin centuriesago, this phrase still holds true, just like any sagacious, timeless wisdom; andthe reason why top performers in any business set a higher priority on learning.According to findings of TowardsMaturity, continuous and effective workplace learning culture impactsthe four critical drivers of business: growth, transformation, productivity andprofitability.

In the rapidly changing businessenvironment today, learners require wide prospects to shrink on-the-job skillgap beyond the traditional means of content creation and delivery. They demand innovative,flexible, and personalized learning opportunities to enhance expertise and self-directtheir career path. In this respect, latest technological advancements in theform of a learningmanagement system (LMS) are indispensable to establish a continuousculture of learning.

To this effect, here are 8 key reasonswhy LMS learning is the best-

  • Centralized learning resources

A moderncloud-based LMS hosts complete eLearning resources like courses, videos,eBooks, reports, news clippings and other related material at one place (a remoteserver), instead of scattering them over different machines. This makes easier fora learner to access resources from any location and reduces the risk of a majorsecurity breach or knowledge loss. LMS learning saves time and optimizes costs byallowing easy administration of a large amount of information in a userfriendly environment.

  • Personalizedlearning

Eventhough modern LMSes are managed centrally, they are flexible enough to providelearners choice in creating a personalized learning journey. This flexibilityis reinforced by introduction of artificialintelligence (AI) recommendation engine within the LMS. It creates a highlycontextualized learning ecosystem by targeted recommendations based on the learninghistory, real-time data, and behavior of similar learners. Employees areengaged more when given the flexibility and opportunity to self-direct theirdevelopmental goals.

  • Multi device,Anytime, Anywhere learning

This LMS featureis about delivering learning at the time and place employees require it and on portabledevices like handheld computers, notebooks, smart phones and tablets. LMSlearning with multi device facility reduces training time considerablyand provides seamlesslearning opportunities.

  • Social learning

Enterpriselearning can be reciprocal, especially when shared among peers and guided bysubject matter experts. LMS learning fosters this collective approach through social learning featuresof chat rooms, forums, messaging, and video conferencing. An informal processlike social learning appeals to all. It is continuous in the learning outcomeand usually taken up by employees enthusiastically.

  • Real-time reporting

In the flow-of-work,continuousand self-directed learning can succeed when backed up by evidential dataprovided by an LMS in the form of reporting andanalytics. LMSes feature these tools with an aim to determine areas ofeLearning courses where learners excel, and where they lack. The large learners’data can be leveraged by Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled deduction processto deliver more definitive conclusions related to an individual learning andhelp further decision-making.

  • Certificationmanagement

Certificationconveys professionalism, trust and recognition for a learner and hisassociates. Certificates are the best way to reward and recognize learners effortsand achieve higher enrollment rates. LMS learning fortifies learner engagementtill the completion of the courses through automated certification management. Thisfeature enables creation, conferring and saving certificates for onlinecorporate training and commercial eLearning scenarios.

  • Userfriendly interface

More andmore solution providers today are vying to include engaging, visually rich, andeasy-to-use user experience (UX) for LMS learning. The winner here is thelearner who receives a spectrum of capabilities, ranging from widespread accessto the resources, attractive user interface (UI) design, to intuitive navigationfeasibility.

  • Gamification& Simulation

With LMSLearning, Gamification brings in the element of experientiallearning. Online games boosted with reward points motivate learners in a noveland fun way to learn by doing. It introduces different processes about thesteps to overcome during on-the-job challenges. Relatedly, simulations mimicreal-world situations in a digital realm and assess how learners react to thesesituations. Simulations also provide an opportunity for learners to practicetheir skills and make errors in a secure and controlled environment.

To seep in a continuous learningculture through all the layers of a business, apart from a focused learning anddevelopment (L&D) strategy, suitableinvestment in the agile learning technology like an LMS plays a major role. Thelearning culture thus gained should eventually have direct bearing on theaforementioned business drivers.

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