2018 - A Year In Review (Infographic)


Oh what a year it was! Lots of amazing things have happened here at UpsideLMS throughout 2018. It was a year of ups, successes, achievements and growth, not just for the organizations but for everyone associated with us.The year 2018 will certainly go down in UpsideLMS history as the year of exponential growth, great wins and further expansions, not only in terms of figures and metrics, but also in terms of our thinking and possibilities. We achieved many milestones in 2018; A journey we have chronicled in an infographic, titled ‘2018 – A Year In Review’.To highlight a few of our proud moments, we won three amazing Brandon Hall Excellence Awards, among other accolades. We augmented our offerings to give you the best and the latest in learn-tech, including UpsideLMS Mobile, UpsideMOVE, and an improved Off-the-Shelf library. We distilled and redistilled our LMS roadmap to bring you the finest features and functionalities, with 13 major releases throughout 2018. We lit up the press with a total of 33 press mentions, and also became a permanent part or your social life through our presence across every social media channel, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.With 2019 on its way, it is the perfect time now to celebrate a fantastic 2018 by diving into this comprehensive infographic.

A Year in Review Thumbnail